Ode to Mr. Marconi    Download MP3

Ode to Mr. Marconi – Lyrics

Now we know television what it is today
Just part of livin’ in the USA
but some don’t know just how it came to be
so I found some books and I checked them out
for to ease your mind and to clear your doubts
about the birth of what we call ‘TV’

Well Columbus found the USA
and everybody made their way
to buy a better home and garden green
But some folks didn’t quite know how
so to make it simple like we have it now
a man named Meredith made a magazine (Better Homes and Gardens)

Meanwhile on the other side of town
another thing was goin’ down
that changed the lives of folks like you and me
Some scientific minds were sparked
then somewhere in the lonely dark
came glowin’ – flowin’ electricity

Yes and if I could find the joker who invented this bad dream
I would sit him down and tell him where to go
‘Cause if you want to learn to garden you can read a magazine
and I would rather listen to the radio

Yes old Ben Franklin flew a kite and
Tommy Edison made the light and
Alexander Graham Bell made the phone
But then a foolish – well intentioned man
sent radio waves across the land
Soon there were RCA’s in every home

And then he went one step too far
and put us all right where we are
Starin’ at a Japanese made tube
Sanyo – Sony – Hitachi
God bless you and excuse me
I hope you don’t mind if I watch the news

You’ve got your PSA’s for your FCC
on your Channel 2 up to 53
I get 3.58 Megacycle dreams (nightmares)
You’ve got your Greenhouse Cards and your Ginsu Knives
on your Edge of Nights and your Days of Lives
Slim Whitman’s yodel makes me want to scream


Now with technology so far advanced
TV’s do everything but dance
They act like phones – tell time – play games and more
With a few Betamaxes and a VHS
You can watch one channel and record the rest
but it KILLS me I still can’t get channel 4

But don’t despair folks dry your tears
and throw away your rabbit ears
Cable Televisions come to town
You’ll get perfect pictures night and day
with movies – sports and all you pay
is Forty bucks a month with nothin’ down

I guess I shouldn’t ought complain so long
Somebody likes Slim Whitman
though exactly who that is we’ll never know
And I think I’ve said enough for now
I must be leavin’ anyhow
I’m goin’ home to watch my favorite show (Bugs Bunny) (but if)


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